Glen Urquhart School

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Re-Enrollment 2024-2025

Dear GUS Families,

As we close out the first full week of February, it’s hard to believe that it’s already time to start thinking about next school year! Each year as re-enrollment rolls around, I find myself reflecting on all that has gotten us to this point in the school year. From the bigger moments like Bread Day and Solstice to smaller ones like partner days and trips, I’m grateful for all the moments of joy we’ve shared as a community and am excited knowing there are so many more to come, this year and beyond!

And with that knowledge comes the eager anticipation of what’s to come next. We look forward to continued partnership with all of you as we look ahead to school year 2024-2025. I am pleased to share your continuous enrollment agreements. Continuous enrollment simplifies the re-enrollment process, allowing you to sign your enrollment contract once, rather than having to complete and sign a full contract year after year. We hope this will make this process more convenient for families going forward.

Above all, I want to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to you for continuing to choose GUS, and for sharing your children with us. Learning and growing with them is a true joy and we look forward to another wonderful year!

With sincere gratitude,

View Your COntinuous Enrollment Agreement

To access your continuous enrollment agreement, which begins for school year 2024-2025, please log into your GUS Plus Portals account and navigate to the “forms” tab. Please complete your re-enrollment agreement by next Friday, February 16. If you have any questions, please reach out to