What will the needs of our children be in the future?
A global pandemic, unimaginable technological advances, war, and increasing social tension, the world young people are growing up in is far different than the one their parents experienced. As a result, the social emotional needs of young people are more important than ever. Join us for an open community discussion about what children need to grow into happy, healthy humans and what schools like GUS can do to support and encourage that growth. Information from this meeting will help inform the Long Range Plan for GUS 2033.
Long Range Planning Committee
Trustees: Jared Bartok (Chair), Gretchen Forsyth (Head of School, Paula Blume, Madeline Fiumara, Emily Grimes (PA President), Lisa Kent, Liam McCarthy, Karen, Russo, Alen Yen
Admin: Brad Belin, Whitney Buckley, Martha Delay, Emily Rabinowitz-Buchanan, Maureen Twombly