January Letter from HOS: The Joy of the Journey

We’ve been talking a lot about the tween years and how messy they can be. It’s true, the road through middle school can be bumpy! It’s awkward and uncomfortable, but it is also equally exciting and joyful. These years are also some of the most profound, developmentally.

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Why Teach Latin?

I have always loved school and learning for its own sake, and this is the kind of philosophy and way of thinking that I try to cultivate with my middle school-aged students. I want them to learn to enjoy the process of learning, even when it is difficult and frustrating and when the material is challenging and not easily grasped on the first pass.

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A Solstice Message from GUS

The Winter Solstice is my favorite event at GUS. Every year, my heart dances with joy as our school family comes together to celebrate this special day. How reassuring it is to know, even when the nights feel long and the world is cloaked in darkness, brighter days are just around the corner.

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