Posts in Faculty
Why Teach Latin?

I have always loved school and learning for its own sake, and this is the kind of philosophy and way of thinking that I try to cultivate with my middle school-aged students. I want them to learn to enjoy the process of learning, even when it is difficult and frustrating and when the material is challenging and not easily grasped on the first pass.

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Exploring The Land in 5th Grade Science

In fifth grade science, the fifth grad theme, the land, features prominently in a yearlong study of geology, agriculture, and environmentalism. At the beginning of the school year, students take a close look at the land they see and interact with on a daily basis - the GUS campus - and consider some big questions that they continue to explore throughout the year: What land is important to us and why? How has the land changed over time, and how do we know? 

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Gratitude for Sandy Thoms

Sandra Thoms began teaching at GUS in 1988. This spring, at the conclusion of her 36th year of teaching here, she will retire. Longtime teaching partner Amy (Billings) Gallo reflects on the time she has spent with Sandy, in and out of the classroom, and shares words of gratitude from colleagues.

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FacultyAmy Gallo
Learning Together by the Sea

The collaboration between Glen Urquhart School and the Cape Ann Museum has been growing and thriving for years. In recent years, the partnership has grown in many ways, allowing students to enhance their learning in the visual arts, social studies, persuasive writing, and speaking.

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