The board of trustees is comprised of dedicated and talented volunteers who represent a wide range of professions and interests.

They are charged with overseeing the financial health of the school, creating policy, hiring and evaluating the head of school, and planning for the future. The board meets eight times a year in full session, and there are several committees that meet on a monthly basis. Trustees are confirmed by the parents of Glen Urquhart School at the Annual Meeting for a three year term, with the exception of the Parents Association representative, who is elected each year. Trustees may serve two consecutive terms, and officers may serve beyond their term limits if elected to do so by the full board.

Executive Committee

Lisa Kent P’23 ’26, President
Jared Bartok P’23 ’25, Vice President
Michael Buensuceso
, Vice President
Jody King P’11’13, Treasurer
Amy Crafton P’21 ’23 ’27, Co-Clerk
Anjali Udoshi Chitre
P’26 ’28 ’33, Co-Clerk
Gretchen Forsyth P ’25 ’27, Head of School, ex Officio


Jake Bartlett ’87 P’27
Paula Blume P’22 ‘25 ’34
Kristin Brown
Crystal DaCruz
Christine Ferracane
, Parents Association Representative
Madeline Fiumara P ’28 ’30
Liam McCarthy P’25
Sarah McGrath ’14
Greg Meahl

Brian Miller, P’21 ’23
Joan Rosenthal P ’12
Emily Powers Grimes P ’29 ’32
Michelle Quigley, P’27 ’29
Karen Russo P’27
Louis Somma
’88 P’23
Andrea Toulouse P ’24
Lynne Warren P ’82 ’86, Life Trustee, Founder