Creative Creatures Designers Sewing Camp (ages 8 to 11)
9:00 a.m. to Noon Cost: $325
Lead Facilitator: Seamsters Local
Design and create a new friend! Short, tall, round, dangly, felty, fluffy, woolly, weird or wonky? Let your imagination run wild designing your friend (or friends) from scratch. We start out illustrating our designs and using swatches to plan our materials. Then, using a fun mix of machine sewing, hand sewing, and textile crafts campers will become toy designers creating adorable stuffies they will cherish forever!
As each stuffie is finished campers will begin a new one out of a different material exploring various textures and techniques to sew them together. Really into that one special guy? When it’s finished make him an outfit with some accessories. YOU are the soft goods designer and your assignment is to invent a new character as unique as you are! No experience necessary. All materials included.