Alumni Profile: Kelsey Quigley '00

Q+A with Kelsey Quigley ’00

What was one of your most meaningful or memorable GUS experiences?

Keeping a daily journal/writing practice in Mrs. Randolph's class.

Georgia Bills saved one of my front teeth by putting it in a film cannister of milk when I fell and took a bite out of Barbara Kelly's classroom windowsill in 7th grade. So I guess you could say that GUS saved me from teenage dentures, on top of everything else!

Where are you now, and what are you doing?

I live just south of Providence, RI with my partner and two semi-feral children. I'm a clinical psychologist and currently work as a Research Fellow at Boston Children's Hospital and a preceptor in the Harvard College Writing Program.

In what ways do you feel GUS prepared you for what you're doing now?

GUS cultivated my intellectual curiosity and gave me a space to feel comfortable in my own skin during a time (junior high) when very few people get to feel that way. In Penny Randolph's class, I began to experience the joy and frustration and daily practices of reading and writing. I take her with me wherever I go.

Any words of advice for current GUS students?

I hope you still get the chance to be as curious and weird as we were twenty years ago.


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