Homerooms: Grade 5-8 2023-2024

As we look ahead to September, we are beginning to think about homeroom placements for students in grades 5-8. In making homeroom decisions, we have a team of administrators and faculty who know the students in each grade and work together to make placements that we believe will foster positive, supportive, and appropriately challenging classroom environments. This team includes classroom teachers, Bre Brandt + Pam McCoy from our student support team, as well as Emily Rabinowitz-Buchanan, Brad Belin, and Maureen Twombly. Our team carefully considers a range of factors, including each student’s learning style and areas of need for academic support + enrichment, as well as social-emotional wellbeing + growth. In addition to considering students' individual needs, we are looking at each homeroom as a whole to ensure an appropriate balance of strengths, areas for growth, and supportive classmate relationships. Regardless of homeroom placement, students in each grade also have opportunities to come together as a whole class on a daily basis.

Though final decisions about homerooms are made by our team, with the aforementioned factors in mind, if there is anything you feel we should know about your child as we consider their placement, please reach out to Brad and/or Emily. And while we cannot accommodate specific requests for your child to be with a particular student or group of students, and/or a particular teacher, we want to partner with you! We welcome you to share anything you feel we should know about your child that you think translates into them finding success in the homeroom structure (ie., personality, the type of learning environment in which they thrive, any particular strengths and/or needs they have, and previous positive and/or challenging school experiences). If you would like to share any information with us, please do so by August 10.