Pizza Day at GUS: Wednesday

Wednesday is Pizza Day at GUS, and it begins this week! 

All students in the school have the opportunity to order pizza by the slice for lunch each Wednesday. The pizza, cheese slices only, comes from Ellie’s Pizza in Beverly Farms and is $2.00 per slice. Students sign up for the number of slices they want in their homeroom each Wednesday morning and put their money in with the order. All orders from the homerooms are then collected, tallied, and ordered by 9:45 a.m. The pizza will then be delivered to each homeroom for lunch. Any profits go to the GUS yearbook fund. Please note that Root is still available for students who don’t want pizza.

Pizza will be cash only for the next two Wednesdays, September 13, & 20. Beginning on September 27, a pay-ahead option will begin for those who want it. A form for pre-pay, effective from September 27 – January 31, 2024, will be sent home next week. Please direct any questions to Bruce Emerson

Bruce Emerson