It was a Medieval Morning at GUS!

The 3rd grade unit on the Middle Ages ended with a display of their hand-made puppets, and a medieval performance and procession. As part of their study, students immersed themselves in the life and times of the medieval period and researched roles such as, king, queen, monk, scribe, and falconer. They kicked off the morning with their oral presentation in character and played a medieval tune, “Hymn to St. John,” on the recorder, which incorporates the 6-note scale from which our modern scale was derived. Then, jumping ahead hundreds of years in time to the music of Beethoven, students performed an arrangement of one of his most beloved melodies, “Ode to Joy.” This included a choral arrangement of the tune that is entitled, “Ode to Peace,” that was arranged by Jill Gallina. Lastly, they thrilled the audience with a Morris Stick Dance, an English folk dance that dates back to the late Medieval period.

Whitney Buckley