Glen Urquhart School

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Lower School Late Arrival/Early Pick-Up Change

Happy New Year! We will be shifting our late arrival / early pick-up policy starting this week. 

Lower School Late Arrivals

When you arrive late with your student, please have them check in at the front desk with Cheryl. Your student will be given a late slip to give to their classroom teacher. They will then be marked as present. You no longer need to come to the Health Office first. 

If you know your student will be arriving late due to a planned appointment, please email their classroom teachers and Nurse Julia. 

Lower School Early Dismissals

Please head directly to the lower school lobby for early dismissals. Cheryl will then call the classroom and have your student come out to the main lobby for pick-up. 

If you are planning on dismissing your student early, please email their classroom teachers, Nurse Julia, and Cheryl. 

All School Absences

There are no changes to this policy. If your student has a planned or unplanned absence please either call the main GUS line or email their teachers and Nurse Julia. 

Upper School Late Arrivals/Early Dismissals

Upper School students will continue to check in and out through the Health Office for late arrivals and early dismissals. Please email homeroom teachers and the Nurse Julia for any planned late arrivals or early dismissals. 

Thank you!