Writing Assessments: Grades 4-8

Dear GUS Families,

In the coming weeks, students in grades 4-8 will be taking a baseline writing assessment, the WrAP (Writing Assessment Program). Students will be given two test periods to read a story prompt, brainstorm, draft, edit, and write an essay. The assessments help to inform instruction for the remainder of the year by identifying strengths and weaknesses in a given class. Additionally, this data serves as a key piece of our ongoing curriculum analysis.

Unlike the SSAT or other types of high-stakes testing done at the high school level, there are no booklets available or courses offered for WrAP testing, so the best preparation for testing is simple – a full night's rest and a good breakfast in the morning. We do our best to keep test anxiety to a minimum.

WrAP schedule:

  • Grades 4-5: February 4-6

  • Grades 6-8: February 10-11

We do not share WrAP scores unless a family requests to see them. If you would like to receive a score report or wish to schedule a conference to discuss your child's results, please feel free to contact Pam McCoy.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Brad Belin
Director of Upper School